What Does Your Logo Say About Your Clinic?

Does your logo pop and catch a follower’s attention - or does it leave them feeling apathetic at best?

The right logo is not just a pretty picture. A logo crafted to your branding and message is like the Bat-Signal in the Gotham skies - it calls out to exactly who you are looking for.

Let’s take a look at what your logo might be saying about your business and what you can do about it.


Your logo is like an introduction

The easiest way to think of your logo is as an introduction to your business and branding. It’s that first handshake at a job interview or the first glance across the room at a friend’s party.

For many, it’s the first thing that they see on your social media or website. This is important to know, because people decide to stay or scroll away from the online space in mere milliseconds!

It’s critical that your logo makes the right type of introduction and leaves them wanting to know more.

What your logo should say about your business

If your logo is a type of introduction to your business, there are a few messages you’ll want to get across. Although your branding might be (and should be) different from the next practitioner, you want your logo to say:

  • This is a real business that offers a quality service you can trust

  • This brand understands the people they are reaching out to (aka their niche)

  • What this clinic has to offer is unique – you won’t find it anywhere else

  • There is a real person behind this clinic who cares about their clients

This is what a well-designed logo will say to anyone passing by. But unfortunately, many practitioners have a logo that says something completely different.

What a DIY or Fivver logo might say about your business

When a prac first starts out, a logo is often a task to tick off – not something you want to invest a lot into. Because of this, the majority of pracs will either design their own logo, or they will use a cheap logo design service such as Fivver.

Now don’t get me wrong – some people may be able to DIY their logo, especially if they have graphic design experience or are naturally artistic. But for most people, graphic design is a foreign language – you might be saying or implying things without even realising it!

Here are a few messages that your DIY or low-cost logo might be sending out:

  • This is not a business to take seriously

  • This is a clinic that has no real focus or area of expertise

  • There is nothing interesting or unique about this clinic

Are these what you want to be communicating to your potential clients? If not, it’s worth revisiting your logo design.

Psst – DIY and low-cost logos may also infringe on someone else’s copyright. This is a big legal no-no!

The right logo will help you to stand out from the crowd

It might feel more comfortable fitting in with every other health practitioner. But if you want people to remember your logo and your business, you need to stand out online. Your logo is one of the easiest ways to do just that!

There are thousands of nutritionists with an apple on their logo. There are thousands of naturopaths with a tree or leaf on their logo. Countless natural health practitioners will have a green logo.

If you go down the same path with your logo, you’re going to blend in.

But if you mix it up, people will remember you. Maybe your logo is a sunny yellow colour, or perhaps you switch the generic leaf out for a design with a specific herb that you love.

These little changes are the first step to showing potential clients what makes you unique.

Does your logo make you cringe? Ready for a logo that you and your clients love?

Check out my logo design services here.

Shonelle Siegmann https://www.techforpracs.com

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