How To Create A Freebie That Your Followers Will Love

Is putting together a freebie for your followers on your never-ending to-do list? Or maybe you’ve seen another health prac gather hundreds of new followers by sharing their opt-in offer?

It can feel overwhelming to create your first freebie, especially if you’re new to online marketing. But there are some simple steps to keep in mind if you want to craft a free offer that is irresistible to your ideal clients.


Why create a freebie for your followers?

You might be wondering why it’s even worth creating a freebie for your followers in the first place. After all, don’t they get enough from your social media posts or blogs?

Here are a few reasons why you want to create an opt-in that people can sign up to access:

It builds the know-like-trust factor. Put simply, the more people feel they know you, the more they like you. The more they like you, the more they trust you. And the more they trust you, the more likely they are to take up your service.

It grows your mailing list. Mailing lists are not the be-all and end-all, but they are important for a few reasons. It gives you a way to connect regularly with the people who are interested in what you offer and the topics you talk about. But it also allows you to continue to build trust with new followers by sending out content and tips to them regularly.

You have something to offer for those who can’t afford you or aren’t ready to work with you yet. As health practitioners, we want to be able to help everyone possible! But there is only so much time in a day, and you still have bills to pay. Creating and sharing a freebie means that you can help more people, even if it’s in a small way.

Types of freebies that you can create

There are dozens of potential freebie types out there. But when it comes to health practitioners, there are some that are more common and more relevant to our clients.

Freebie types for practitioners include:

  • A recipe e-book

  • An educational e-book

  • A mini-course delivered via email

  • A checklist or step-by-step guide to solving a particular problem

  • An intro video or video series

  • A masterclass or webinar (either live or pre-recorded)

  • A challenge (this requires a lot more effort to put together and run, so you may want to skip it if you can’t commit much time)

Some freebies can be taken up at any time. Others are freebies that need to be launched and done live a few times a year. Most practitioners find evergreen freebies to be easier, as they require little to no effort once everything is set up.

What makes an amazing freebie

The right freebie for you is unique to your business, niche and offers. What is an amazing opt-in for you might not be a fit for the health practitioner across the road.

With that in mind, there are a few common factors to focus on no matter what form your freebie takes. If you can tick these 3 steps, you’re on the right track.

It gives your followers something they want

Why do people download a freebie or sign up for an opt-in? Because it promises to give them the answers they are looking for.

If you know your ideal clients well, you probably know that they have problems or symptoms that they are looking to solve. These problems are generally the tip of the iceberg when it comes to their health.

For example, a woman dealing with hormonal imbalances might want to relieve her PMS symptoms or clear up her adult acne. An athlete might be looking to optimise their post-workout recovery time or achieve a specific physique.

By creating a freebie that addresses that surface concern, you show them that you are the expert when it comes to their health goals.

Remember that you want this to be specific to your followers. A freebie that promises to help everyone ever will get fewer takers than a freebie that promises to help one specific group of people.

It’s beautifully designed and consistent with your branding

No matter what freebie you choose to create, it needs to be consistent with your branding. This makes it even easier for people to have trust in you as a professional.

Think that your branding doesn’t make that much of a difference? Make sure you give this article a read.

It’s a natural stepping stone to your services

There is nothing wrong with wanting to give your followers something for free. But if you give them that freebie and vanish, how do they know what to do next?

Your freebie should be designed with a clear purpose in mind. Its job is not just to educate people, but to build trust with potential clients.

A well-designed freebie will act as a natural stepping stone for people to engage in your services. This is good to keep in mind when deciding on your freebie’s form and topic.

For example, you might:

  • Offer a 3-day meal plan sample as a taster for your paid 6-week meal planning service

  • Record a 10-minute yoga or personal training class as an introduction to your online class membership

  • Put together an e-book with 10 steps to balance hormones naturally that leads into an offer for your hormone balancing package

Remember, not everyone will want to take up your offer, and that is absolutely fine! But you want to make sure there is an offer for the people who do want to continue working with you.

Is crafting a beautiful and effective freebie on your to-do list?

I’m here to help you do just that. Head here to learn more about my graphic design services.

Shonelle Siegmann

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