Using Squarespace? Top Tips To Make The Most Out Of Your Website

Have a Squarespace website? Want to learn all the cool tips and tricks of Squarespace sites so your site looks amazing and attracts dream clients?

I hear you! Let’s dive into some of my top tips for practitioners who are using Squarespace.


Squarespace Website Tips

Embed your booking page straight into your website

We want to make booking with you as easy as possible for your website visitors. Whenever possible, we also want people to stay on your website! To make this happen, you’ll want to embed your booking page directly into your website.

Booking systems mean that you don’t have to worry about time zone differences or conflicting schedules. A good booking system will help your clients to find a time that suits them and book in without you lifting a finger!

Customise your 404 Page (Error Page)

When there is a broken link on your site, your reader will get redirected to a page known as a 404 page. Generally, this page is pretty boring - it just tells them that the link is broken. But what if you could make your mistakes work to your advantage?

Some great ways to customise this page include:

  • Redirecting them to your top blogs or FAQ page

  • Pop in a box so they can sign up to your mailing list

  • Link them to your booking page or shop

That way, more people will end up where you want them to be - whether that’s reading your content, getting your newsletter or booking in to see you.

Connect your social media links

Let’s face it - everyone is on social media these days, even the grandparents! So why wouldn’t you make it easy for people to find you on social media?

It’s crucial to connect your website to your social media channels, as it means more people can connect and engage with you on the regular.

This could be as simple as connecting your social media icons up (if you need a tutorial, you’ll find it here). But it could also be adding an Instagram block to your site, so your Instagram feed is viewable on your website.

Set up Google Analytics for your Squarespace website

Google Analytics tell you how often people are on your website, what they’re searching for and which pages they are checking out. So it’s a great idea to connect Google Analytics to your Squarespace website!

The good news is that adding Google Analytics to your Squarespace dashboard is pretty straightforward. You can find a step-by-step guide right here.

Squarespace Blogging Tips

Once your site is looking fly, you’ll probably want to write some content for your blog. Here are some bonus tips for writing great blogs on Squarespace.

Make the most of your excerpts & SEO descriptions

Under ‘Blog Post Settings’ on your blog, you’ll find a few headings’ worth of fields you can fill in and tweak. Two important ones to look at are your Excerpt (under Options) and your SEO Description (under SEO).

These two fields are often overlooked for those who aren’t familiar with SEO. But we want to make the most of these bad boys! An excerpt is the blurb that will show up on your main blog page, and the SEO description is what Google and other search engines will display when the page pops up in a search.

To make the most of them, we want to fill them out. You can write a short description of the blog post. Or if you write a great introductory paragraph to your blogs, you can copy and paste it straight into both fields.

Rename your images with keywords

When we talk about boosting SEO, you’ll often see the term ‘alt text’ when it comes to your images. This is what search engines look for as a way to tell what your image is, so the words in the alt text ideally contain some keywords.

I could tell you how to set up your images so that you can include alt text. But there’s an easy alternative!

When you don’t use alt text, the image’s name will be used for search engines. So all you need to do is rename your images with your keywords and description to get a boost to your SEO.

For example, let’s say you have a stock image of a woman with a new baby in a fertility blog. When you save it, it might have the name of something like david-veksler-FwVSyYtofFU-unsplash - which doesn’t help you at all!

So when you upload it to your blog, you might want to change it to woman-with-new-baby-fertility-naturopath-western-australia. This adds much more useful and relevant information to the image, and it’s helpful for your website’s ranking as well!

Use your tags and categories

Under Blog Post Settings, you’ll see the option to add tags and categories. Again, these all add up in terms of your SEO, and they make it easy for people to find what they need. Categories are broad topics that a blog post fall under, and tags are more specific.

So for example, if you’ve got a blog post about probiotics, you might have it under the category of Gut Health. For the tags, you might add ‘probiotics’, ‘gut health’, and a tag relevant to your ideal clients such as ‘healthy kids’ or ‘autoimmune’.

Optimise your SEO and readability (without a Yoast plugin!)

If you’ve previously had a Wordpress website, you might have grown reliant on your Yoast plugin. This plugin gives you some guidance on how to write a blog post that is easy for people to read and good for SEO purposes.

Squarespace doesn’t have a Yoast plugin option. So how can you write a great blog without that help? Here are a few simple tips:

  • Pick a relevant keyword or phrase, and use it in your blog title

  • Use that keyword or phrase at least 3-4 times in your blog, and ideally in at least one or two subheadings

  • Keep the majority of your sentences to less than 20 words

  • Avoid using too many technical terms or multiple syllable words - for example, ‘dysbiosis’ is less friendly than ‘gut microbe imbalance’ as the former has 4 syllables in the word versus a max of 3 syllables in the latter

  • Include at least a couple of links to other pages on your website such as your booking page

Still struggling to navigate Squarespace? Get some help!

Don’t let Squarespace confuse you - get some support with anything that leaves you feeling lost or overwhelmed.

There are two simple ways to do this:

Book a 1:1 technical support session, where we go through your tech woes and I show you how to solve them


I can do your edits and tweaks for you quickly and effectively!

To find out how we can work together, contact me directly here.

Shonelle Siegmann

Why I Recommend Squarespace over Wordpress For Health Practitioners


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